Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Special Post: A Runway Inspired Baby Shower!

I have been looking forward to this day for soooo long!  The Runway Inspired design team is throwing a baby shower for our beloved teammate Aga!

Early this month, Aga gave birth to the sweetest little girl, Helena.  We are so happy for her!

As per the RIC tradition, we are throwing her a fashionable shower with an amazing prize.  Our inspiration comes from the Little Marc Jacobs Fall/Winter 2013 collection:

I looked through many adorable couture baby pictures before I found this one that just screamed "Aga!" The elegance combined with sweetness and a soft metallic gold suit her perfectly. If anyone wants to buy little Helena an expensive present for when she's a tad older, go with this! (I also recommend this one...it just makes me smile!)

Let's see what the DT created!
Jennfer Rzasa - Our Change of Art

Nina Yang - Waffle Flower

Pamela Ho - miao

Virginia Lu-Yes, Virginia...

Wida Miller-Beachorado

Tasnim Ahmed - Cards & Bookmarks

Laura Bassen - Doublestick Heaven

Of course, you all are invited to the baby shower too!  All you have to do is make a NEW BABY CARD inspired by the Little Marc Jacobs photo above, post it to your blog, and link it here.

Most baby showers offer prizes for playing silly games- no games here! For this shower, all you have to do is join in on the fun, and we will select one winner to be a GUEST DESIGNER for a future challenge! Awesome, right?!  You'll be able to take a walk down the runway alongside the RIC DT.

~You must create a new project for this challenge.  It also must fit the Baby Card theme!

~Please include a link back to the Runway Inspired Challenge in your post

~When uploading your project, make sure to link to your entry post, not your entire blog

~When submitting to our challenge, you may combine with only 3 other challenges

~You may enter as many times as you wish!

~If it is not obvious how you were inspired by the photos, please explain it in your post. We don't want to overlook anything!

You have until Monday, May 6th at 11:59pm EST.  Our new challenge will start the following day (May 7th), and we will announce the winner for the baby shower challenge on Tuesday, May 14th. Have fun!


Anonymous said...

This is so cool. Are you going to post the baby cards created by the contestants? Because we want to see their ideas in making these cards. Thanks

Agnieszka said...

Aww, I'm so moved right now! :) thank you guys so much! It is incredibly sweet of you to have done this for me! xoxo

And yes! Helena would definitely love to wear such a cute dress! *wink*

Iwona Palamountain (Chupa) said...

Big congrats, Aga! So happy for you!! <3

Unknown said...

These are so great! I wanted to make my own baby shower invitations. I might take some inspiration from these!

aaga said...

I was getting worried what happened to Aga as she hasn't written anything in her blog for so long.

I'm relieved and BIG CONGRATS to your baby girl!!!

C said...

Aw..Congratulations! Baby girls are the sweetest.

Paru Mahtani said...

Aww! Such a cute Inspiration!! I have uploaded my card!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing thsi beautiful pictures with us. Your photo cards are very good and very innovative as well. I will surely choose from it when I needed.

del mar recreational

Unknown said...

I simply love these baby shower cards! They are all so cute! I was actually searching for some nice ideas for baby shower invitations and saw this challenge. Thanks!

Cheers xxxx

stevenjared0853 said...

Aww! She is so adorable. My niece’s birthday is also around the corner and I am planning to book a nice LA venue for all the kids. Anyways, it was nice coming across this post. I got wonderful ideas from here and I am going to share this post with all my friends and cousins.

القمر السعودى said...

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